
Restoring stained glass is essential in protecting our heritage whether it be religious or decorative.

Some glasses are broken, missing, dirty ; the lead is broken or oxidized. The window is taken apart ; each piece is cleaned up, redone and possibly repainted or stuck with a special reversible glue ; the pieces are put back together with lead. The window finds back its strength and original colours.

The company Mise au verre offers you a free expertise of your stained glass windows and the solution best suited to their state of conservation.

Heritage conservation is not only reserved for buildings of Historic Monuments and public buildings.

The stained glass windows are made of transparent or colored glass, possibly painted, set in lead rods soldered with tin. Lead oxidizes slowly, and it is estimated that to avoid any problems related to this oxidation, it is necessary to replace it approximately every 100 years. Indeed, oxidized lead becomes dangerous for health. Oxidation of lead makes it friable and forms a dusty film on the surface. It is then easier to convey by simple contact.